
My Relationship with Aerial, by Britt Johnson

Trilogy aerial yoga teacher training teacher, Brittany Johnson, shares how she found aerial and how it has changed her life...

I met Aerial about 8 years ago. Aerial didn't even know I existed, but I knew Aerial did.  We certainly had things in common, but I never thought we would develop such a long lasting relationship. 

Aerial has hurt, belittled, humbled and insulted me, but also, inspired, fulfilled and encouraged me.  But our relationship isn't as crazy as it sounds.  Aerial is a metaphor for my life.  

My life was ready for something new when Aerial and I first met.  I was ready to dedicate time and work into accomplishing ONE THING:  to get a photo of myself doing the splits in the air.  Could I do the splits?  No.  Could I do a pull up?  No.  Did I have an excellent camera?  No.  But ALL of these things were possible.  

It started with classes, then meeting friends, then training with my new friends.  Over time, Aerial began to give me bigger ideas and dreams.  

The goal of doing the splits in the air was still the number one priority, but what was happening was self-discovery.  Self-expression and therapy in the air.  I loved the challenge of balancing strength and grace while silently moving to my story.  I was able to release energy I didn't even know I had.  And along the way,  I gained the opportunity to perform and travel... AND get amazing pictures of me doing the splits in the air:-)

A few years later, the conversation I was having in the air started to fade.  The soul of Aerial and I became silent, and it made me question more than my craft.  It was time to evolve.  

Aerial didn't leave my life,  we simply took a break so we could keep each other healthy.  During my break, I started to find the more therapeutic side of using a hammock and quickly found Aerial Yoga.  After a yoga certification and finding a safe place to train, the path naturally formed.  I found expression, physical therapy and peace of mind AT THE SAME TIME using Aerial Yoga techniques!  It has been rewarding to combine all the knowledge I've absorbed over these last 8 years. 

 Aerial and I started a new version of ourselves, and I was able to dedicate time with new friends Hannahsita and Leila.  Together we dedicated time, knowledge, sweat and some secrets to create an Aerial Yoga manual we all believed in.  

 I'm thankful to Trilogy Sanctuary for encouraging and hosting my relationship with Aerial.  

Britt will be leading Trilogy's Spring Aerial Yoga Teacher Training along with Leila and Hannahsita. Learn more and apply soon because training begins April 27th!

Yogi's First Books

By Rachel Lubich

Lead Teacher for Trilogy's Spring 200 Hour Teacher Training

A dear friend of mine from Austin requested that I compile a reading list for Yogi’s who are interested in enriching their yogic understanding outside of the studio setting. I LOVE when students ask me for yoga text recommendations! When a student approaches me for book recommendations, my energy soars and my eyes sparkle with delight! It’s such a joy to know that the practice has inspired a quest for more breadth and depth of knowledge in another Yogi. So, here is my carefully selected “Yogi’s First Books” reading list complete with short descriptions as to why I chose each of them.


Yoga Beyond Belief by Ganga White (Amazon)

This book was gifted to me as I left the country for my Yoga Teacher Training 7 years ago. It was the first yoga book I ever read and truly shaped my approach to the practice and philosophy as a teacher all these years later. It’s a great introduction, written in accessible language for the modern reader and briefly touches upon a breadth of information regarding yoga philosophy and yoga in practice. This book is my top pick to get a Yogi started on their journey and has been recommended and loaned to many people within my community.

Living with the Himalayan Masters by Swami Rama (Amazon)

This book was also gifted to me (I’m noticing a trend…) by my friend and yoga studio owner when I was leaving Philadelphia to move across the country. This book contains short stories of experiences and lessons Swami Rama noted from his time studying with the Master Teachers of yoga in India. I love the way the stories bring the teachings to life and offer insights into the hidden teachers of the ancient science and art of yoga.

The Heart of Yoga by T. K. V. Desikachar (Amazon)

This book resonates with me because of the material included and the conversational language with which it is written. It offers a wonderful foundation of yoga philosophy with great clarity and encourages the adaptation of the practice to suit the individual. Written by T. K. V. Desikachar, he includes insights into the life of his father, Sri T. Krishnamacharya, the “father of modern yoga”, who was the Guru to Sri. K. Pattabhi Jois, Indra Devi and B. K. S. Iyengar, among others.

Happy reading, yogis!

Interested in joining Rachel in our Yoga Teacher Training this Spring? You can find more information HERE

Lessons from my Yoga Teacher Training Immersion

By Rachel Lubich

Lead teacher for Trilogy's spring 200 hour teacher training.

Every student I’ve mentored through a yoga teacher training program has expressed their own unique story of the pivotal transformation they experienced through their journey. Not only does a YTT prepare you to share the science and art of yoga with your community, it presents tools to help open your mind, body and spirit to a deeper awakening of your true nature. The decision to embark upwards upon the rungs of the ladder of your spiritual journey is a personal one. If you are open, then you will learn, you will grow and you will experience a transformation that is uniquely your own. Let me share a piece of my yoga teacher training transformation with you...

Learning to live my yoga
A few days into studying for my yoga teacher training program our teacher assigned each of us with the task of giving up something for the duration of the program in order to help us focus. Many of my peers chose to forgo various vices and indulgences to keep their minds clear. I immediately knew what sacrifice would serve me best: letting go of negative thoughts.
This task required me to pay attention to each passing thought as it arose and truly listen to the sentiment and tone it conveyed. If I noticed negative speech bubbling up in my mind from leftover personal struggles, I recognized my thought, chose to rewrite it into an increasingly more positive one, repeat the more positive speech and move on without judgement. This process of self-awareness continued for weeks; eventually I was able to transcend my former thought patterns and elevate my attitude to one filled with unlimited potential and contentment.

This is an example of the power of actively listening to your thoughts and making the choice to reshape the quality of your internal self-speech. It has the power to transform your life. This is what the practice of yoga asks of us; to show up, observe ourselves and put in the effort. Once we learn how to tune in, we are able to shed the layers obstructing the Self and embody our true nature within.


Ready to start your journey as a yoga teacher? More information on our Spring YTT with Rachel is HERE