Goddess Smoothie Recipe

Goddess Smoothie ingredients

1 Banana
1 Cup Frozen Blueberries
1.5 TB Peanut Butter
1 TB Hemp Seeds
1 TB Goji Berries
8 OZ Almond Milk

Besides being so tasty, why do we love the Goddess Smoothie so much? The Goddess is packed with super healthy ingredients! Blueberries are the most nutrient-dense foods on earth and contain large levels of antioxidants. Gogi Berries increase ratings for energy levels and athletic performance. Hemp seeds are a great protein source, as more than 25% of their total calories are from high-quality protein!

Boom - three reasons to make this yummy and healthy smoothie. Create, snap a photo, and post on social media - we would love to see your Goddess creation! Use the hashtag #LoveTrilogy so we can find you! If you need to taste a smoothie for inspiration then come visit our vegan cafe this month in downtown La Jolla!